1. Discussion and Working Paper // 2007

    Age-Dependent Skill Formation and Returns to Education: Simulation Based Evidence

    This study integrates findings from neurobiology and psychology on early childhood development and self-regulation to assess returns to education. Our framework for evaluating the distribution of age-specific…

  2. ZEW-Gründungsreport // 2007

    Jahrgang 7, Nr. 1, Juli 2007

    • Hightech trotzt Abwärtssog
    • Akademische Spinoff-Gründungen: Enge Bindung an die Wissenschaft
  3. Financial Market Report CEE // 2007

    July 2007

    • Good Economic Situation for CEE Countries Will Continue
    • Czech Republic, Poland, and Slovakia: Very Good Economic Situation, Mixed Expectations
    • Croatia, Hungary, and Romania: Improvement of Economic Situation…
  4. Financial Market Report Switzerland // 2007

    July 2007

    • Economic Expectations Are Broadly Stable
    • Eurozone: Experts Expect Further Interest Rate Hikes
    • USA: Economic Expectations Indicator Moves Back in Positive Territory
    • Japan: Experts Assess Current Economic Situation…
  5. Discussion and Working Paper // 2007

    Regional Dimensions of Liability of Foreignness: Between a Rock and a Hard Place?

    In this paper we develop optimized localization strategies for multinational firms to overcome their liability of foreignness by adding a regional dimension. We explore conceptually whether economic stress in a…

  6. ZEW-Branchenreport Informationswirtschaft // 2007

    Jahrgang 6, Nr. 2 , Juli 2007

    Unternehmen beurteilen konjunkturelle Lage optimistischer

    Im Vergleich zum ersten Quartal 2007 legt der ZEW-IDI, Stimmungsindikator für den Wirtschaftszweig Dienstleister der Informationsgesellschaft, im zweiten…

  7. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 07-040 // 2007

    Computers as Pedagogical Tools in Brazil: A Pseudo-panel Analysis

    In this paper, we use repeated cross-section data on pupils in Brazil to estimate the effect of the availability and use of computers and internet as pedagogical tools on math and reading test scores. Computers…

  8. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 07-039 // 2007

    Implications of Network Convergence on Local Access Regulation in the U.S. and the EU

    This paper provides an overview of telecommunications regulation in the U.S. and in Europe. For each region the history of telecommunications regulations as well as the current regulatory regime is portrayed.…