1. China Economic Panel (CEP) // 2020

    September 2020

    • Outlook for Chinese Economy Improves Significantly: CEP indicator rises to 44.4 points
    • 27 analysts participated in the September survey, which was conducted during the period 7 till 16 September 2020
  2. ZEW-Finanzmarktreport // 2020

    Oktober 2020

    • Konjunkturausblick verbessert sich erneut
    • Eurozone: Konjunkturerwartungen und Lageeinschätzung verbessern sich
    • USA: Lage und Ausblick verbessern sich
    • Japan: Lage- und Erwartungsindikator steigt an
    • Großbrit…
  3. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 20-042 // 2020

    When the Minimum Wage Really Bites Hard: Impact on Top Earners and Skill Supply

    We investigate minimum wage spillovers by exploiting the first-time introduction of a minimum wage within a quasi-experiment in a context with an extraordinary large bite: the German roofing industry. We find…

  4. Expertises // 2020

    Kommunale Antworten auf die Globale Corona-Krise: Finanzen, Innovationskraft und Lebensqualität verbessern

    This expertise shows based on quantitative and qualitative analyses which challenges arising from the current Corona-Crisis German local communities face. The COVID-19 pandemic is dramatically worsening the…

  5. Discussion and Working Paper // 2020

    Capital Incentive Policies in the Age of Cloud Computing: An Empirical Case Study

    This paper assesses whether current policy environments are appropriate for the emergence of cloud computing technology. In particular, this research uses firm level data for Germany and the United Kingdom to…

  6. ZEW Newsletter // 2020


    1. News
    2. Personalia
      • Appointments
    3. Press Releases
    4. Recent Publications
      • IN ENGLISH
      • ZEWnews English Edition
      • Expertises/Research Reports
      • IN GERMAN
      • ZEW-Finanzmarktreport (ZEW Financial Market…
  7. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 20-041 // 2020

    Klimapolitik während der Corona-Pandemie: Ergebnisse einer Haushaltserhebung

    Based on a survey among more than 6,000 household heads, we present early comprehensive evidence for Germany on the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on perceptions of climate change and climate policy, on…

  8. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 20-040 // 2020

    Dismissal Protection and Long-term Sickness Absence – First Evidence from Germany

    This paper analyses the causal effects of weaker dismissal protection on the incidence of long-term sickness (> six weeks). We exploit a German policy change, which shifted the threshold exempting small…

  9. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 20-039 // 2020

    When Nudges Fail to Scale: Field Experimental Evidence from Goal Setting on Mobile Phones

    Non-pecuniary incentives motivated by insights from psychology (“nudges”) have been shown to be effective tools to change behavior in a variety of fields. An often unanswered question relevant for public policy…

  10. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 20-038 // 2020

    The Impact of Carbon Disclosure Mandates on Emissions and Financial Operating Performance

    We examine whether a disclosure mandate for greenhouse gas emissions creates stakeholder pressure for firms to subsequently reduce their emissions. For UK-incorporated listed firms such a mandate was adopted in…