1. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 15-057 // 2015

    Work-Related Ability as Source of Information Advantages of Training Employers

    This paper addresses the puzzle how employers that invest in general human capital can gain an information advantage with respect to the ability of their employees when training is certified by credible external…

  2. ZEWnews English edition // 2015

    07/08 - 2015

    • Opportunity or Threat? Digitalisation Will Transform the Future of Work
    • Unilateral Environmental Regulations Encourage the Relocation of Production
    • Only Comprehensive Sustainability Strategies Pay off for…
  3. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 15-056 // 2015

    Mean-Risk Hedging Strategies in Electricity Markets with Limited Liquidity

    This article investigates mean risk hedging with respect to limited liquidity and studies the impact of different risk measures on the hedging strategies. For motivation and application purposes hedging in…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 15-055 // 2015

    Decline of CFC Rules and Rise of IP Boxes: How the ECJ Affects Tax Competition and Economic Distortions in Europe

    The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has become an influential player in the field of direct taxation in the European Union in the past twenty years. However, it is unclear whether the ECJ's decisions actually…

  5. ZEW-Finanzmarktreport // 2015

    September 2015

    • Erneuter Rückgang der Konjunkturerwartungen
    • Eurozone: Fortsetzung der Niedrigzinspolitik erwartet
    • USA: Leitzinserhöhung zeichnet sich immer deutlicher ab
    • Japan: Lageeinschätzung verschlechtert sich erstmals seit…
  6. ZEW-Energiemarktbarometer // 2015

    Juli/August 2015

    Experten erwarten keinen Abschluss eines verbindlichen Klimaabkommens in Paris

    Versorgungssicherheit wird unterbewertet

    • Einschätzungen zum Fokus der Energiepolitik in Deutschland

    Energiepreise stagnieren…

  7. Financial Market Report Switzerland // 2015

    September 2015

    • Economic Outlook Expectations Brighten Again
    • International Financial Market Data - Assessments and Expectations
    • Inflation Uncertainty Picks Up Again
    • Stable Swiss Franc Against the Euro
    • Rising Long-Term Interest…
  8. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 15-054 // 2015

    Vetoing and Inaugurating Policy Like Others Do: Evidence on Spatial Interactions in Voter Initiatives

    A sizeable literature studies whether governments strategically interact with each other through policy-diffusion, learning, fiscal and yardstick competition. This paper asks whether, in the presence of direct…

  9. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 15-053 // 2015

    Does Codetermination Affect the Composition of Variable Versus Fixed Parts of Executive Compensation?

    Contrary to previous literature we hypothesize that interests of labor may well – like that of shareholders – aim at securing the long-run survival of the firm. Consequently, employee representatives on the…

  10. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 15-052 // 2015

    The Impact of Taxes on Bilateral Royalty Flows

    In 2013 the OECD introduced its Action Plan on base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS). One of the major concerns of this Plan is a strategic use of intangible assets as an instrument for profit shifting. The…

  11. Discussion and Working Paper // 2015

    Life-cycle Incidence of Family Policy Measures in Germany: Evidence from a Dynamic Microsimulation Model

    This paper quantifies the life-cycle incidence of key family policy measures in Germany. The analysis is based on a novel dynamic microsimulation model that combines simulated family life-cycles for a base…