1. ZEW-Branchenreport Informationswirtschaft // 2014

    2. Quartal 2014

    • Bei den Mediendienstleistern verbreitet sich wieder mehr Optimismus
    • Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien als Treiber im Innovationsprozess
  2. ZEW-Finanzmarktreport // 2014

    August 2014

    • Konjunkturerwartungen: Abwärtstrend hält an
    • EZB: Experten erwarten konstante Leitzinsen
    • USA: Gleichbleibend positive Einschätzung von Lage und Erwartungen
    • Japan: Konjunkturerwartungen wieder gestiegen
    • Großbritannien…
  3. Financial Market Report Switzerland // 2014

    August 2014

    • Stable Economic Activity Expected
    • Convergence of Interest-Rate Expectations
    • Mildly Receding Inflation Expectations
    • Mild Increase in Euro Appreciation Expectations
    • Stock-Market Expectations Edge Down Again
    • Exports…
  4. Non-Refereed Journal // 2014

    Ist die Energiewende sozial gerecht?

    The transition of the German energy system towards renewable energy carriers triggers considerable cost for private households. Costs are passed through to households by a surcharge per kWh. This effectively…

  5. Refereed Journal // 2014

    Do Employment Subsidies Reduce Early Apprenticeship Dropout?

    We evaluate the effect of the Apprenticeship Bonus, an employment subsidy programme, on early dropout of apprenticeship. Eligibility to the programme is restricted to school leavers who have actively searched…

  6. Discussion and Working Paper // 2014

    Compensating the losers of free trade

    Fears of rising wage inequality and job loss loom large in current debates on free trade. Surprisingly, however, there exists little academic research on how to compensate those who lose from free trade.…