1. Refereed Journal // 1998

    Patents and R&D an Econometric Investigation Using Applications for German, European and US Patents by German Companies

    Based on the data of the first wave of the Mannheim Innovation panel, this paper explores the link between R&D expenditures and patents. Our data allow a detailed analysis of the firm size distribution of R&D…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 98-05 // 1998

    High-Tech in Sweden: A Regional Perspective

  3. Contributions to Edited Volumes and Conference Proceedings // 1998

    QUITS - Quality Indicators of Transport Systems

  4. Contributions to Edited Volumes and Conference Proceedings // 1998

    Zur Dynamik der Arbeitslosigkeit in Deutschland

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 98-01 // 1998

    The EMU Consolidation Game - or: Does 3.0 Really Mean 3.0?

    Within the economic profession, it is a widely held view that the fiscal criteria of the Maastricht treaty are arbitrary numbers without economic foundation. Much of this criticism seems to overlook an important…