1. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 11-064 // 2011

    Industry-Science Connections in Agriculture: Do Public Science Collaborations and Knowledge Flows Contribute to Firm-level Agricultural Research Productivity?

    Academic institutions are an important component of the public agricultural research system in many countries. According to the "open science" model of research, these institutions produce new knowledge,…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 11-063 // 2011

    The Impact of Public Basic Research on Industrial Innovation: Evidence from the Pharmaceutical Industry

    While most economists believe that public scientific research fuels industry innovation and economic growth, systematic evidence supporting this relationship is surprisingly limited. In a recent study, Acemoglu…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 11-062 // 2011

    Individual Exchange Rate Forecasts and Expected Fundamentals

    Exchange rates are one of the most important prices in open economies. Despite their great importance for many enterprises, surprisingly little is known about the economic factors influencing the ups and downs…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 11-061 // 2011

    University Rankings in Action? The Importance of Rankings and an Excellence Competition for University Choice of High-Ability Students

    Every year, secondary school graduates have to choose a university. This is a crucial decision for their future trajectories made under imperfect information. Therefore, quality indicators like university…

  5. Refereed Journal // 2011

    Auswirkungen der Wirtschaftskrise auf die Innovationstätigkeit der Unternehmen in Deutschland

    Die schwere Wirtschaftskrise 2008/09 hatte substanzielle Auswirkungen auf die Innovationstätigkeit der deutschen Wirtschaft. Die Umsatz- und Gewinneinbußen führten zu einem kräftigen Rückgang der…

  6. Monograph // 2011

    Raus aus dem Elfenbeinturm! Herausforderung an die externe Wissenschaftskommunikation im Zeitalter von Web 2.0 und Social Media - Unter besonderer Betrachtung der Mittlerzielgruppe Journalisten

    Science is part of society, it promises advance, innovation and prosperity. But since science costs money, it must communicate its actions and results due to various reasons. In this process journalists are…