1. Refereed Journal // 1997

    Voluntary Agreements in Environmental Protection - Experiences in Germany and Future Perspectives

    A trend towards 'softer' regulation, especially in the form of negotiated environmental agreements, is observable in national and international environmental policies. Such agreements are controversial, because…

  2. Contributions to Edited Volumes and Conference Proceedings // 1997

    Humankapitalbildung im Lebenszyklus

  3. Refereed Journal // 1997

    Labour markets in Poland and Hungary five years from transition : evidence from monthly data

    This article presents error correction estimates of a simple interdependent model of the labour market using monthly data over 1990-1994 for the industrial sector in Poland and Hungary. Our aim is to investigate…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 97-10 // 1997

    Vertical Relations between Firms and Innovation: An Empirical Investigation of German Firms

    Joint ventures between firms as part of innovation projects can be seen as a strategy to deal with market failure and other insufficiencies of technology markets. It is the objective of this paper to examine…