1. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 14-013 // 2014

    Exporting and Labor Demand: Micro-level Evidence from Germany

    It is widely believed that globalization affects the extent of employment and wage responses to economic shocks. To provide evidence for this, we analyze the effect of firms' exporting behavior on the elasticity…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 14-012 // 2014

    The Impact of Redistributive Policies on Inequality in OECD Countries

    Due to behavioral effects triggered by redistributional interventions, it is still an open question whether government policies are able to effectively reduce income inequality. We contribute to this research…

  3. ZEW Newsletter // 2014


    1. News
    2. Call for Papers
      • Third Mannheim Energy Conference (May 5-6, 2014)
      • Second International ZEW Conference on the Dynamics of Entrepreneurship (CoDE II) (May 22-23, 2014)
      • Sixth ReCapNet Conference "Real Estate…
  4. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 14-011 // 2014

    How Important Is Industry-Specific Managerial Experience for Innovative Firm Performance?

    According to many studies it is a commonly held view among economists that the level of countries’ institutional development is positively associated with economic growth. Among other factors, this interrelation…

  5. Financial Market Report Switzerland // 2014

    February 2014

    • Economic Expectations Remain "Good" – Initial Tapering Scare Digested
    • Long-Term Interest Rate Expectations Shaped by Mild Tightening of US Monetary Policy
    • Inflation Expectations Fall Slightly
    • Exchange Rates…
  6. ZEW-Finanzmarktreport // 2014

    Februar 2014

    • Positive Grundstimmung unter den Finanzmarktexperten hält weiter an
    • EZB: Zinserwartungen leicht gestiegen
    • USA: Konjunkturelle Lage stark verbessert
    • Japan: Lageindikator wieder im positiven Bereich
    • Großbritannien:…
  7. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 14-010 // 2014

    Idiosyncratic Risk and the Cost of Capital – The Case of Electricity Networks

    We analyze the treatment and impact of idiosyncratic or firm-specific risk in regulation. Regulatory authorities regularly ignore firm-specific characteristics, such as size or asset ages, implying different…