1. ZEW Newsletter // 2013


    1. News
    2. Call for Papers
      • Annual Conference of the Leibniz ScienceCampus MaCCI - Mannheim Centre for Competition and Innovation (March 14-15, 2014)
      • Second ZEW/IAB/RCEA Workshop on Spatial Dimensions of the Labour …
  2. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 13-086 // 2013

    How Selective Are Real Wage Cuts? A Micro-Analysis Using Linked Employer–Employee Data

    Existing evidence suggests that workers face a low risk of experiencing a real wage reduction. However, there is so far virtually no evidence whether some employee groups are affected stronger by wage cuts than…

  3. Discussion and Working Paper // 2013

    Paid and unpaid labor in non-profit organizations: Does the substitution effect exist?

    In nonprofit organizations (NPOs) volunteers often work alongside paid workers. Such a coproduction setting can lead to tension between the two worker groups. This paper examines for the first time if and how…

  4. ZEW-Branchenreport Informationswirtschaft // 2013

    3. Quartal 2013

    • Erstmals seit Ende 2011 wieder gute Stimmung bei den Mediendienstleistern
    • Welche Kennzahlen nutzen Unternehmen?
  5. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 13-084 // 2013

    Steady-State Labor Supply Elasticities: A Survey

    Previous reviews of static labor supply estimations concentrate mainly on the evidence from the 1980s and 1990s, Anglo-Saxon countries and early generations of labor supply modeling. This paper provides a fresh…

  6. ZEW-Finanzmarktreport // 2013

    November 2013

    • ZEW-Konjukturerwartungen weiter im Aufwind
    • EZB: Kein Ausstieg aus Niedrigzinspolitik erwartet
    • USA: Politischer Streit belastet Konjunkturerwartungen
    • Japan: Konjunkturerwartungen leicht gedämpft
    • Großbritannien:…