1. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 05-13 // 2005

    Workers into Managers – Developing Leadership Competence of Production Unit Managers

    This study analyses the competence gaps of lower-level managers in a typical manufacturing plant in Germany that had recently introduced a teamwork structure. Results indicate that the managers have…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 05-12 // 2005

    Planning or Propaganda? An Evaluation of Germany’s Medium-term Budgetary Planning

    In Germany, the medium-term financial planning (“Mifrifi”) was introduced at the end of the sixties. This study scrutinizes the experience of the German Bund with more than thirty years of financial planning. …

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 05-11 // 2005

    Yardstick Competition and Policy Innovation

    A simple model of yardstick competition between jurisdictions is presented. Governments of jurisdictions face the alternative to choose between an old and a new policy with stochastic payoffs. The new policy…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 05-10 // 2005

    Imputation Rules to Improve the Education Variable in the IAB Employment Subsample

    The education variable in the IAB employment subsample has two shortcomings: missing values and inconsistencies with the reporting rule. We propose several deductive imputation procedures to improve the…

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 05-08 // 2005

    Policy Innovation in Local Jurisdictions: Testing the Neighborhood Influence Against the Free-Riding Hypothesis

    Before making di±cult decisions, individuals tend to collect information on decision makers in reference groups. With respect to policy innovations in a decentralized public sector, this may give rise to…

  6. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 05-06 // 2005

    The Efficiency Costs of Separating Carbon Markets Under the EU Emissions Trading Scheme: A Quantitative Assessment for Germany

    From 1 January 2005 onwards the European Union has launched the first largescale international carbon emissions trading program. As the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU-ETS) covers only part of domestic carbon…

  7. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 05-05 // 2005

    Unemployment Duration and the Length of Entitlement Periods for Unemployment Benefits: Do the IAB Employment Subsample and the German Socio-Economic Panel Yield the Same Results?

    We compare information on the length of unemployment spells contained in the IAB employment subsample (IABS) and in the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP). Due to the lack of information on registered…

  8. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 05-04 // 2005

    Unemployment, Labor Market Transitions, and Residual Wage Dispersion

    It is commonplace in the debate on Germany’s labor market problems to argue that high unemployment and low wage dispersion are related. This paper analyses the relationship between unemployment and residual…

  9. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 05-02 // 2005

    Long-Run Effects of Public Sector Sponsored Training in West Germany

    Between 1991 and 1997 West Germany spent on average about 3.6 bn Euro per year on public sector sponsored training programmes for the unemployed. We base our empirical analysis on a new administrative data base…

  10. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 05-01 // 2005

    The Costs of Supervisory Fragmentation in Europe

    Financial markets in Europe become more and more integrated. The persisting fragmentation of financial supervision, however, constitutes a lasting obstacle to integration. The aim of this paper is to assess…

  11. ZEW Economic Studies Vol. 28 // 2005

    The Effective Tax Burden of Companies in European Regions

    The tax burden on investment or companies is an important factor for the attractiveness of a country or a region. In particular, business location and investment decisions are influenced by the relative tax…