1. Refereed Journal // 2022

    Uncertain Product Availability in Search Markets

    In many markets buyers are poorly informed about which firms sell the product (product availability) and prices, and therefore have to spend time to obtain this information. In contrast, sellers typically have a…

  2. ZEW expert brief No. 22-08 // 2022

    The Other Government: State-Owned Enterprises in Germany and Their Implications for the Core Public Sector

    This paper aims to raise the awareness and knowledge about state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in Germany – a sizable but often ignored part of the overall public sector which the authors of this ZEW expert brief,…

  3. ZEW policy brief No. 22-07 // 2022

    Significant Costs, Limited Benefits: A Global Minimum Tax in Germany

    In order to curb tax-motivated profit shifting and limit international tax competition, 137 signatory countries to the Inclusive Framework on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) agreed in 2021 to introduce a…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 22-057 // 2022

    Mapping Technologies to Business Models: An Application to Clean Technologies and Entrepreneurship

    Theory suggests that new market entrants play a special role for the creation of new technological pathways required for the development and diffusion of more sustainable forms of production, consumption,…

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 22-056 // 2022

    The Value of Decentralization Using the Blockchain

    I study an entrepreneur’s incentives to build a network using a blockchain. The entrepreneur can either build the network using a regular company and retain control of the network, or build the network using a…

  6. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 22-055 // 2022

    The Intention-Behavior Gap in Climate Change Adaptation

    Most empirical studies on private climate change adaptation rely on self-reported intentions which often fail to translate into real actions. Consequently, this strand of literature can only insufficiently…

  7. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 22-054 // 2022

    Non-standard Choice in Matching Markets

    We explore the possibility of designing matching mechanisms that can accommodate non-standard choice behavior. We pin down the necessary and sufficient conditions on participants’ choice behavior for the…

  8. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 22-053 // 2022

    Collective Minimum Contributions to Counteract the Ratchet Effect in the Voluntary Provision of Public Goods

    We experimentally test a theoretically promising amendment to the ratchet-up mechanism of the Paris Agreement. The ratchet-up mechanism prescribes that parties’ commitments to the global response to climate…

  9. Discussion and Working Paper // 2022

    Collective minimum contributions to counteract the ratchet effect in the voluntary provision of public goods

    We experimentally test a theoretically promising amendment to the ratchet-up mechanism of the Paris Agreement. The ratchet-up mechanism prescribes that parties’ commitments to the global response to climate…

  10. ZEW-Finanzmarktreport // 2022

    Dezember 2022

    • Konjunkturerwartungen steigen, Ausblick bleibt schlecht
    • Eurozone: Verbesserung der Konjunkturerwartungen
    • USA: Konjunkturerwartungen verbessern sich wieder
    • China: Ausblick hellt sich etwas auf
    • Sonderfrage:…