1. ZEW policy brief No. 24-07 // 2024

    Fördern oder Verbieten? Welche klimafreundlichen Verkehrspolitiken in der Bevölkerung ankommen

    Der Verkehrssektor trägt durch seine Treibhausgasemissionen maßgeblich zum Klimawandel bei. Zur deutlichen Senkung dieser Emissionen sind entsprechende klimapolitische Maßnahmen erforderlich. Unsere Studie mit…

  2. ZEW Monthly // 2024

    08/24 — Taxation

    Taxes are a central element of economic policy and significantly impact a country’s competitiveness. In the face of global changes such as increasing digitalisation, climate change, and an ageing population, tax…

  3. Refereed Journal // 2024

    Anti-corruption campaign in China: An empirical investigation

    We create a database of officials who have been found guilty of corruption in China in the period 2012-21 with their personal characteristics and the amount of embezzled funds. We use it to investigate the…

  4. Refereed Journal // 2024

    The impact of Communist Party membership on wealth distribution and accumulation in urban China

    This paper provides the first in-depth investigation into the evolution of the wealth gap between CCP and non-CCP households in urban China from 1995 to 2017. We apply unconditional quantile regression to…

  5. ZEW policy brief No. 24-16 // 2024

    Enhancing German Innovation through International Trade in Services

    The access to foreign knowledge via service imports fosters the success of innovations in Germany. The probability of firms introducing new or significantly improved products, services, or processes is more than…

  6. ZEW-Finanzmarktreport // 2024

    August 2024

    • Stärkster Rückgang der Konjunkturerwartungen seit zwei Jahren
    • Eurozone: Einbruch der Konjunkturerwartungen bei stabiler Lage
    • USA: Schlechtere Lagebewertung überstrahlt pessimistischere Erwartungen
    • China:…
  7. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 24-055 // 2024

    The Interplay Between Public Procurement of Innovation and R&D Grants: Empirical Evidence From Belgium

    This paper investigates the impact of Public Procurement of Innovation (PPI) and Research and Development (R&D) grants on firms' R&D investment using data from Belgian R&D-active firms over the past decade. Our…

  8. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 24-056 // 2024

    Trade in Services and Innovation

    We study the implications of services trade for firm innovation. Using a quasi-experimental shift-share design, we find that access to foreign knowledge-related services improves the innovativeness of domestic…