1. Refereed Journal // 2015

    Return-to-Job During and After Parental Leave

    Despite a rising career orientation among females and growing efforts of firms to alleviate work-family conflicts, female employees often find it difficult to com- bine career development with having children.…

  2. ZEWnews English edition // 2015

    03/04 - 2015

    • Leniency Programmes as an Instrument for Uncovering Cartels in Europe
    • The Downside of the Energy Transition
    • Regulation Is Impeding the Growth of Fibre-Optic Networks in Europe
    • Innovation Saves Jobs During Downturns
  3. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 15-023 // 2015

    Does Ownership Affect the Impact of Taxes on Firm Behavior? Evidence from China

    Does ownership affect the way firms react to corporate taxation? This paper exploits key features of recent corporate tax reforms in China to shed light on the differential impact of taxation on firms under…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 15-022 // 2015

    Mobility Across Firms and Occupations Among Graduates from Apprenticeship

    Distinguishing carefully between mobility across firms and across occupations, this study provides causal estimates of the wage effects of mobility among graduates from apprenticeship in Germany. Our…