1. Financial Market Report CEE // 2012

    November 2012

    • Rising Optimism in the CEE Region
    • Economic Outlook for the CEE Region, Austria, and the Eurozone
    • Czech Republic, Poland, and Slovakia: Positive Economic Sentiments
    • Croatia, Hungary, and Romania: Revision of Stock…
  2. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 12-068 // 2012

    Do Personal Characteristics of Finance Ministers Affect the Development of Public Debt?

    The role of the finance minister differs in various aspects from that of the remaining cabinet members. His main task is to enforce overall budgetary objectives. Depending on the organization of the budget…

  3. Refereed Journal // 2012

    The structure of energy efficiency investment in the UK households and its average monetary and environmental savings

    Socioeconomic and behavioural variables that influence the household’s adoption of energy efficiency measures such as cavity and loft insulation and upgrades to the boiler are identified, contrary to previous…

  4. ZEW-Branchenreport Informationswirtschaft // 2012

    3. Quartal 2012

    • Stimmung bei Mediendienstleistern erstmalig seit Jahresbeginn auf Erholungskurs
    • Internet ist Triebfeder des Unternehmenserfolgs
  5. Refereed Journal // 2012

    The Value-Added of Sectoral Disaggregation: Implications on Competitive Consequences of Climate Change Policies

    In the current discussion on policy measures to alleviate competitive disadvantages of unilateral climate policies, border measures are discussed as one possible instrument. The assessment of the economic…

  6. ZEW-Finanzmarktreport // 2012

    November 2012

    • Risiken für die Konjunktur nehmen ab
    • EZB: Zinssenkung wird unwahrscheinlicher
    • USA: Konjunkturerwartungen leicht rückläufig
    • Japan: Lageeinschätzung verschlechtert sich weiter
    • Großbritannien: Rückschlag bei den…
  7. ZEWnews English edition // 2012

    09/10 - 2012

    • A Good Professional Training Enterprise Pays Off
    • Low Additional Costs Expected from Emissions Trading in Maritime Shipping
    • Long-Term Consequences of Childhood Hunger Are Systematically Underestimated
    • Effects of…
  8. Financial Market Report Switzerland // 2012

    November 2012

    • Economic Outlook for Switzerland: Slight Improvement
    • Current Economic Situation: Continued Erosion
    • Inflation Expectations: Climbing Further
    • Interest Rates: Expectations Are Broadly Unchanged
    • Stock Market: Slightly…
  9. Expertises // 2012

    Endbericht Forschungsprojekt Duales Orientierungspraktikum

    The training programm "Duales Orientierungspraktikum–Studienorientierung schaffen" intends to help students in secondary schools in Northrhein-Westfalia to improve the match between their competences and job…

  10. Expertises // 2012

    Abschlussbericht Forschungsprojekt BERUFSSTART plus

    The training programm "BERUFSSTART plus" intends to help students at secondary schools in Thuringia to improve the match between their competences and job aspirations and to improve the school-to-work…