1. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 08-015 // 2008

    The Determinants of Capital Structure: Some Evidence from Banks

    Motivated by substantial cross-sectional variation in banks’ leverage, which stands in contrast to the conventional wisdom that capital regulation is the main driver of banks’ capital structures, this paper…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 08-014 // 2008

    Assessing Intergenerational Earnings Persistence Among German Workers

    The vitality and stability of our democracy - as well as the economy - eventually depend on the social permeability of our society. (Horst Köhler, German Federal President, 29.12.2007, own translation) This…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 08-013 // 2008

    The R&D Investment-Uncertainty Relationship: Do Competition and Firm Size Matter?

    Uncertainty is intrinsic to research and development (R&D) and has a fundamental influence on the decision to invest in such activities. Real options theoretical models with irreversible investment are a…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 08-012 // 2008

    Union Density and Varieties of Coverage: The Anatomy of Union Wage Effects in Germany

    Collective bargaining in Germany takes place either at the sectoral level or at the firm level; collective bargaining coverage is much higher than union density; and not all employees in a covered firm are…

  5. Non-Refereed Journal // 2008

    German Financial Experts Welcome M&A from India

    Companies from emerging countries are accelerating their external growth internationally and thus appear in numerous M&A activities in Germany. These investments have been a major topic of public discussion in…

  6. Non-Refereed Journal // 2008

    CO2-Emissionsminderungspotentiale von Speditionen durch Verkehrsverlagerung welche Potentiale haben politische Instrumente?

    Shifting freight volume from the road to more environmental friendly modes is one of the core objectives of the European Union. In the white paper of the Commission measures like the internalisation of external…

  7. Financial Market Report Switzerland // 2008

    March 2008

    • Economic Expectations for Switzerland Have Diminished Noticeably
    • Eurozone: Risks for the Economy Outweigh Concerns Over Inflation
    • United States: Assessment of Economic Situation Has Worsened
    • Japan: Economy at a…
  8. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 08-011 // 2008

    Nach der Reform ist vor der Reform? Eine arbeitsökonomische Analyse ausgewählter Aspekte der Hartz-Reformen

    Angesichts der persistent hohen Arbeitslosigkeit steht die Notwendigkeit von Arbeitsmarktreformen seit Jahren außer Frage. Tatsache ist, dass in vielen Bereichen der Arbeitsmarktpolitik neben den vielbeachteten…

  9. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 08-010 // 2008

    Intra- und intergenerationale Umverteilungseffekte in der bundesdeutschen Alterssicherung auf Basis humankapitaltheoretischer Überlegungen

    In der folgenden Studie möchten wir ausgewählte Aspekte von intra- und intergenerationalen Umverteilungseffekten im System der bundesdeutschen Alterssicherung auf der Basis der Humankapitalheorie mit…

  10. ZEW-Wachstums- und Konjunkturanalysen // 2008

    Nr. 1 (März) - 2008

    • Langsamer Start ins Jahr 2008
    • Die voraussichtliche Lage in der EWU
    • Ergebnisse der Märzumfrage 2008
    • Wirtschaftszweig ist bei Geschäftslage und Erwartungen gespalten
    • Arbeitsmarktreformen in einem Mikrosimulations- und…