1. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 21-024 // 2021

    Collaborative Tax Evasion in the Provision of Services to Consumers – a Field Experiment

    We conduct a field experiment with sellers of home-improvement services on two German online markets. We take the role of consumers and vary whether we request an invoice for the delivery of the service. In a…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 21-023 // 2021

    Gender Diversity in Corporate Boards: Evidence From Quota-Implied Discontinuities

    Using data across European corporate boards, we investigate the effects of quota-induced female representation on firm value and operations, under minimal identification assumptions. We consider sharp increases…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 21-022 // 2021

    Taxes and Business Philanthropy in Armenia

    The majority of countries around the world provide tax incentives for business philanthropy. However, little is known about the responsiveness of businesses to this tax treatment. This paper expands on this…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 21-021 // 2021

    Disambiguation by Namesake Risk Assessment

    Most bibliometric databases only provide names as the handle to their careers leading to the issue of namesakes. We introduce a universal method to assess the risk of linking documents of different individuals…

  5. ZEW Newsletter // 2021




    1. News
    2. Personnel
      • Awards
    3. Press Releases
    4. Recent Publications
      • ZEWnews English Edition
      • ZEW Discussion Papers
      • ZEW Expertises/Research Reports
      • ZEW-Kurzexpertisen (ZEW…
  6. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 21-020 // 2021

    How Does the Evolution of R&D Tax Incentives Schemes Impact Their Effectiveness? Evidence From a Meta-Analysis

    A growing interest in R&D tax incentive policies has given rise to a large number of evaluations, which provide contrasting results about their effectiveness. Our meta- analysis aims to explain the heterogeneity…

  7. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 21-019 // 2021

    Reporting Behavior and Transparency in European Banks’ Country-by-Country Reports

    The public CbCR requirement for EU financial institutions leaves leeway to the reporting firms as regards the calculating and presentation of the data. Based on a sample of CbCRs published by EU-headquartered…

  8. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 21-018 // 2021

    The COVID-19 Insolvency Gap: First-Round Effects of Policy Responses on SMEs

    COVID-19 placed a special role to fiscal policy in rescuing companies short of liquidity from insolvency. In the first months of the crisis, SMEs as the backbone of Europe’s real economy benefited from large and…

  9. ZEW-Finanzmarktreport // 2021

    März 2021

    • Ausblick verbessert sich erneut
    • Eurozone: Starker Anstieg der Konjunkturerwartungen
    • US-Wirtschaft im Aufwind
    • Japan: Konjunkturerwartungen deutlich verbessert
    • Großbritannien: Erwartungen verbessern sich zum…