1. Refereed Journal // 2021

    Wikipedia Matters

  2. Refereed Journal // 2021

    Targets missed: three case studies exploiting the linked SHARE-RV data

    Targeting is an important aim of social policy. Three case studies in this paper reflect typical short-comings in the targeting design of pension reforms. The first case study examines how well work disability…

  3. Refereed Journal // 2020

    Firm-level effects of staged investments in innovation: The moderating role of resource availability

    Integrating insights on firms’ resource availability with bounded rationality and real options arguments, we propose that resource-abundant and resource-constrained firms reap different effects from a staged…

  4. Refereed Journal // 2020

    Nonfinancial Considerations in Eco-Innovation Decisions: The Role of Family Ownership and Reputation Concerns

    Societal pressures for greater sustainability can encourage firms to target part of their innovation activities at ecological initiatives (i.e., eco-innovation). Yet, depending on their value function, firms can…

  5. Refereed Journal // 2020

    Adolescent Video Game Playing And Fighting Over The Long‐Term

    I present new evidence of the link between video game play and fighting. The General Learning Model predicts that increased aggression from playing violent video games. These predictions are tested using a large…

  6. Refereed Journal // 2020

    Which firms use trademarks? Firm-level evidence from Germany on the role of distance, product quality and innovation

    Trademarking firms are more productive, generate higher profits, and have a better survival rate. Trademarking firms are in one word more successful, which might motivate non-trademarking firms to adopt a…

  7. Refereed Journal // 2020

    Five dimensions of the uncertainty–disagreement linkage

    We analyze the relationship between forecaster disagreement and macroeconomic uncertainty in the Euro area using data from the European Central Bank’s Survey of Professional Forecasters for the period…

  8. Refereed Journal // 2020

    The Open Innovation in Science Research Field: A Collaborative Conceptualisation Approach

    Openness and collaboration in scientific research are attracting increasing attention from scholars and practitioners alike. However, a common understanding of these phenomena is hindered by disciplinary…

  9. Refereed Journal // 2020

    Learning in foreign and domestic value chains: the role of opportunities and capabilities

    We suggest that the benefits of learning in international value chains for firms’ innovation performance are heterogeneous and depend on the specific source of learning (customers, suppliers, or competitors),…

  10. Contributions to Edited Volumes and Conference Proceedings // 2020

    Sick Leave and Medical Leave in the United States: A Categorization and Recent Trends

    This chapter reviews and discusses recent trends of access to paid leave in the United States. Although we also categorize and discuss other programs for health-related work absences (such as medical leave or…