1. Refereed Journal // 2016

    Accounting for the Spouse when Measuring Inequality of Opportunity

    The existing literature on inequality of opportunity (IOp) has not addressed the question of how the circumstances and choices of spouses in a couple should be treated. By omitting information relevant to the…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 16-083 // 2016

    Geographical Clustering and the Effectiveness of Public Innovation Programs

    The paper analyzes how geographical clustering of beneficiaries might affect the effectiveness of public innovation support programs. The geographical proximity of firms operating in the same industry or field…


    Jahrgang 16, Nr.6, Dezember 2016

    • Regionale Spezialisierung bei Gründungen der Softwarebranche
    • INVEST: Ein Programm, das wirkt
    • Sanierungsinstrumente für insolvente Unternehmen
  4. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 16-082 // 2016

    The House Price-Vacancy Curve

    Individual sales prices and local vacancy rates in the housing market pose a natural analogy to the wage curve, a popular concept in labor economics that describes how individual wages decrease with higher local…

  5. Non-Refereed Journal // 2016

    Energiewende ohne Verlierer?

    Arme Haushalte werden durch steigende Energiepreise überproportional mehr belastet als Gutverdiener: Energiearmut wird als neues sozialpolitisches Phänomen identifiziert. Hier muss die Politik dringend handeln –…

  6. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 16-081 // 2016

    Public ICT Investment in Reaction to the Economic Crisis – A Case Study on Measuring IT-related Intangibles in the Public Sector

    In this paper, we (1) analyse the German public IT-spending programme 2009-11 adopted after the crisis in terms of its tangible vs. intangible asset creation, (2) consider this relatively well-described…

  7. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 16-080 // 2016

    Microgeography of Innovation in the City: Location Patterns of Innovative Firms in Berlin

    This paper investigates the micro-location pattern of innovative and non-innovative firms in Berlin using detailed information on the firms' addresses and their local environment. The study employs a unique,…