1. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 13-104 // 2013

    South-North Convergence from a New Perspective

    This North-South model of Schumpeterian endogenous growth combines a market, productivity and knowledge effect. A set of various convergent and divergent growth paths is derived that is much richer than in the…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 13-103 // 2013

    The Optimal Tariff in the Presence of Trade-Induced Productivity Gains

    We scrutinize the impact of international productivity gains (spillovers) induced by imports and exports on optimal tariffs. First, we solve a stylized 2x2 trade model of a large open economy and show that (a)…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 13-102 // 2013

    Which Indicators of Absorptive Capacity Enhance Import-induced South-North Convergence in Labor Intensities?

    We hypothesize that North-South trade is associated with knowledge spillovers that create labor productivity gains depending on various determinants of Southern absorptive capacity. We use the novel World…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 13-101 // 2013

    Energy Efficiency and Industrial Output: The Case of the Iron and Steel Industry

    The iron and steel industry is one of the most carbon emitting and energy consuming sectors in Europe. At the same time this sector is of high economic importance for the European Union. Therefore, while public…

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 13-100 // 2013

    How Many Factors and Shocks Cause Financial Stress?

    The aim of this paper is to assess the dimension of factors and shocks that drive financial conditions, and in particular financial stress in the euro area. A second aim is to construct summary indices on the…

  6. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 13-099 // 2013

    Cyclically Neutral Generational Accounting

    This paper introduces a methodological innovation into Generational Accounting. By incorporating cyclically-adjusted balances into the forward-looking budget projections underlying the concept we isolate pure…

  7. ZEW-Finanzmarktreport // 2013

    Dezember 2013

    • ZEW-Konjukturerwartungen steigen weiter
    • EZB: Zinserwartungen fallen deutlich
    • USA: Konjunkturlage verbessert sich wieder
    • Japan: Konjunkturerwartungen unverändert
    • Großbritannien: Konjunkturelle Lage stark verbessert
    • So…
  8. Discussion and Working Paper // 2013

    Intertemporal stability of ambiguity preferences

    To make predictions with theories, usually we assume an individual's characteristics such as uncertainty preferences to be stable over time. In this paper, we analyze the stability of ambiguity preferences…

  9. Expertises // 2013

    Production and Trade in KETs-based Products: The EU Position in Global Value Chains and Specialization Patterns Within the EU

    The European Commission has launched a study on the production and trade in KETs-based products. This report is the final background report that constitutes the basis for the chapter on Key Enabling Technologies…

  10. Financial Market Report Switzerland // 2013

    December 2013

    • Positive Outlook Despite Temporary Economic Setback
    • Inflation Expectations Increasing
    • Long-Term Interest Rates Expected to Increase
    • Stable EUR/CHF Expected
    • Equities: Positive Sentiment Dominates
    • Special Questions:…
  11. Contributions to Edited Volumes and Conference Proceedings // 2013

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