1. Branchenreport Innovationen // 2013

    2013 - Großhandel

    Jahrg. 21, Nr. 14, Januar 2014

    Die Innovationsaktivitäten des deutschen Großhandels blieben im Jahr 2012 auf niedrigem Niveau stabil. Die Innovatorenquote, d.h. der Anteil der Unternehmen, die neue…

  2. Branchenreport Innovationen // 2013

    2013 - Transportgewerbe und Postdienste

    Jahrg. 21, Nr. 15, Januar 2014

    Nach den deutlichen Umsatzzuwächsen in den Jahren 2010 und 2011 im Transportgewerbe und beiden Postdienstleistungen zeigte sich die wirtschaftliche Stimmung 2012 verhaltener.…

  3. Branchenreport Innovationen // 2013

    2013 - Mediendienstleistungen

    Jahrg. 21, Nr. 16, Januar 2014

    Die Mediendienstleistungen (Druckgewerbe, Verlage, Filmindustrie, Tonstudios, Rundfunk) stehen noch immer vor großen Herausforderungen, wie etwa der Digitalisierung von Produkten…

  4. Branchenreport Innovationen // 2013

    2013 - Finanzdienstleistungen

    Jahrg. 21, Nr. 17, Januar 2014

    2012 war ein schwieriges Jahr für die Finanzdienstleistungsbranche in Deutschland. Die Lage im Bereich Innovation ist uneinheitlich. Die Innovationsausgaben stiegen 2012 um 0,35…

  5. KfW/ZEW CO2 Panel // 2013

    2013 - Manufacturing Industry Edition

    Main Results of the Survey:

    • Most of the Companies Conduct Energy Efficiency Checks on a Regular Basis
    • Medium-Sized and Large Companies Are More Likely to Invest Energy Efficiency Measurements than Smaller…
  6. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 13-115 // 2013

    Policy-Induced Environmental Technology and Inventive Efforts: Is There a Crowding Out?

    Significant policy effort is devoted to stimulate the development, adoption and diffusion of environmentally-friendly technology. Sceptics worry about the effects of regulation-induced environmental technology…

  7. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 13-114 // 2013

    Profit-Sharing and Innovation

    We investigate the effect of profit sharing on product and process innovation. The general aim of companies introducing profit sharing in their remuneration policy is to stimulate staff performance. As profit…

  8. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 13-113 // 2013

    Fishing for Complementarities: Competitive Research Funding and Research Productivity

    In most countries in Europe, where universities have primarily been financed through block grants, governments have introduced or increased the amount of funding distributed through competitive funding schemes…

  9. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 13-112 // 2013

    The Metal Resources (METRO) Model. A Dynamic Partial Equilibrium Model for Metal Markets Applied to Rare Earth Elements

    This paper presents the METal ResOurces (METRO) model, a partial equilibrium model tailored for metal markets. It allows for a disaggregated representation of the mining sector and endogenous investment in…

  10. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 13-111 // 2013

    Sequential Identification of Technological News Shocks

    In an influential recent paper, Beaudry and Portier (2006) propose a sequential approach for identifying technological news shocks. Thereby, the correlation coefficient between news shocks of a short-run…

  11. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 13-110 // 2013

    Comparing Two Methods for the Identification of News Shocks

    Recent empirical literature delivered, based on different structural VAR approaches, controversial results concerning the role of anticipated technology—news—shocks in business cycle fluctuations. We deal with…

  12. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 13-109 // 2013

    The Impact of Innovation Off-shoring on Organizational Adaptability

    We analyze the effects of captive off-shoring of innovation activities on the firms' ability to adapt their organizational processes and structures. Starting from complexity theory, we use three consecutive…