1. Refereed Journal // 2022

    Natural disasters and climate change beliefs: the role of distance and prior beliefs

    Public support of climate policies crucially depends on climate change beliefs. Here we analyze the effects of natural disaster experience on the belief in the existence of climate change. The primary data…

  2. ZEW-Finanzmarktreport // 2022

    April 2022

    • Stärkster Rückgang der Konjunkturerwartungen seit Beginn der Umfrage
    • Euroraum: Konjunkturerwartungen brechen ein
    • USA: Konjunkturerwartungen fallen drastisch
    • China: Erwartungen gehen spürbar zurück
    • Sonderfr…
  3. Refereed Journal // 2022

    Does Green Public Procurement Trigger Environmental Innovations?

    Green public procurement has gained high political priority and is argued to be an effective demand-side policy to trigger environmental innovations. Its implementation usually takes the form of environmental…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 22-007 // 2022

    Using Big Data for Generating Firm-Level Innovation Indicators – A Literature Review

    Obtaining indicators on innovation activities of firms has been a challenge in economic research for a long time. The most frequently used indicators - R&D expenditure and patents - provide an incomplete picture…

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 22-006 // 2022

    Greenwashing in the US Metal Industry? A Novel Approach Combining SO2 Concentrations From Satellite Data, a Plant-Level Firm Database and Web Text Mining

    This Discussion Paper deals with the issue of greenwashing, i.e. the false portrayal of companies as environmentally friendly. The analysis focuses on the US metal industry, which is a major emission source of…

  6. ZEW Newsletter // 2022




    1. News
    2. Press Releases
    3. Recent Publications
      • ZEWnews English Edition
      • ZEW Discussion Papers
      • ZEW-Finanzmarktreport (ZEW Financial Market Report)
      • ZEW-Branchenreport…
  7. Refereed Journal // 2022

    Advancing digital health applications: priorities for innovation in real-world evidence generation

    In 2019, Germany passed the Digital Healthcare Act, which, among other things, created a “Fast-Track” regulatory and reimbursement pathway for digital health applications in the German market. The pathway…

  8. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 22-005 // 2022

    Artificial Intelligence and Firm-Level Productivity

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is often regarded as the next general-purpose technology with a rapid, penetrating, and far-reaching use over a broad number of industrial sectors. A main feature of new…