1. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 00-16 // 2000

    A Dynamic Heterogeneous Labour Demand Model for German Manufacturing

    This paper presents an application of the Generalised Error Correction Model (GECM) for heterogeneous factor demands based on the quadratic cost function. Using data for 26 West German manufacturing industries…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 00-14 // 2000

    The Ratification of ILO Conventions: A Failure Time Analysis

    There are over 180 ILO conventions in many areas of labour law, industrial relations and social security, but they are not ratified universally: for the conventions adopted between 1975 and 1995, the cumulated…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 00-13 // 2000

    Kollektive Lohnverhandlungen und Auslandsdirektinvestitionen: Eine empirische Studie mit Firmendaten

    This paper analyzes the influence of the structure of collective bargaining on direct investment abroad. A wage negotiation model shows that high productive firms benefit from centralized bargaining and invest…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 00-12 // 2000

    Die Psychologie irrationaler Wirtschaftspolitik am Beispiel des Reformstaus

    Mainstream economists are reluctant to integrate features of bounded rationality into their behavioural assumptions. However, particularly in the field of economic policy the scope for irrational behaviour is…

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 00-11 // 2000

    Decomposing the Cost of Kyoto. A Global CGE Analysis of Multilateral Policy Impacts

    We decompose the economic implications of the Kyoto Protocol at the cross-country level, splitting the total economic impact for each region into contributions from its own emission abatement policy and those…

  6. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 00-10 // 2000

    An Empirical Test of the Asymmetric Models on Innovative-Activity: Who Invests More into R&D - the Incumbent or the Challenger?

    The theoretical discussion concerning the question whether the incumbment or the (potential) entrant invests more into R & D has attracted considerable interest. This paper reports the results of an empirical…

  7. ZEW Documentation No. 00-05 // 2000

    Development and Validation of Scientific Indicators of the Relationship Between Criminality, Social Cohesion and Economic Performance

    According to the European Parliament, unemployment, social disintegration, the lack of an integrative policy, and the worsening of urban services and living conditions cause frustration and despair, especially…

  8. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 00-04 // 2000

    Returns to Education in West Germany - An Empirical Assessment

    This paper analyses the developments in the returns to education in West Germany for the period from 1984 to 1997. Based on simple Mincer-type wage equations, we estimate a return of about 8% for men and 10% for…