Publications of the Research Unit Corporate Taxation and Public Finance

  1. ZEWnews // 2015

    06 - 2015

    • Hidden Champions in Deutschland - Weltmarktführer dank Innovationen
    • Steuerliches Investitionsklima in Deutschland verbessert sich deutlich
    • IT-intensive Branchen profitieren besonders von Wissensinvestitionen
    • Einsei…
  2. ZEWnews // 2015

    07/08 - 2015

    • Chance statt Bedrohung - die Digitalisierung wird die Zukunft der Arbeit verändern
    • Längerer Mutterschutz lockt kränkere Mütter zurück in den Beruf
    • Wahlen lassen öffentliche Ausgaben steigen
    • Mitarbeiter liefern…
  3. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 15-068 // 2015

    How Can a Country 'Graduate' from Procyclical Fiscal Policy? Evidence from China

    In this study, we analyze the cyclicality of fiscal policies in China during the period 1978-2013. We find that the cyclicality of local government spending in China significantly affects the cyclicality of…

  4. ZEW policy brief No. 15-04 // 2015

    Better Fiscal Rules for Europe: Reflections Based on New Empirical Evidence

    Over the past five years, the euro area's fiscal rules have been reformed and extended. It is not clear, however, whether these changes have been effective at boosting fiscal prudence, and whether they go far…

  5. Non-Refereed Journal // 2015

    Some Observations on the Economic Implications of Constitutional Reform in Armenia

    Armenia is preparing for a major reform of its constitution. The draft of the new constitution proposes a switch to a parliamentary system from the current (semi-) presidential system and to a proportional…

  6. Expertises // 2015

    SME Taxation in Europe - An Empirical Study of Applied Corporate Income Taxation for SMEs Compared to Large Enterprises

    This report analyses tax incentives for SMEs in 20 EU countries and five non-EU countries between 2009-2013. Its findings and recommendations are based on a review of tax codes, modelling of tax burdens using…