Publications of the Research Unit Corporate Taxation and Public Finance

  1. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 14-111 // 2014

    Effective Tax Rates under IP Tax Planning

    Tax planning with intangibles has become one of the most popular and most vividly debated topics in international taxation. We incorporate various intellectual property (IP) tax planning models into…

  2. ZEWnews English edition // 2014

    11/12 - 2014

  3. Discussion and Working Paper // 2014

    Overlapping Political Budget Cycles in the Legislative and the Executive

    We advance the literature on political budget cycles by testing separately for cycles in expenditures for elections in the legislative and the executive. Using municipal data, we can separately identify these…

  4. Refereed Journal // 2014

    An Economic Perspective on Double Tax Treaties with(in) Developing Economies

    There are about 2,600 double tax treaties in the world, some 500 among industrialized economies, approximately 800 among developing economies and about 1,300 between industrialized and developing economies.…

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 14-099 // 2014

    Overlapping Political Budget Cycles in the Legislative and the Executive

    We advance the literature on political budget cycles by testing separately for cycles in expenditures for elections in the legislative and the executive. Using municipal data, we can separately identify these…

  6. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 14-090 // 2014

    How Do Employment Tax Credits Work? – An Analysis of the German Inheritance Tax

    Employment tax credit programs have been repeatedly used during economic crises, although their usefulness is empirically contestable. The objective of this paper is to quantify the tax effects of employment tax…