Publications of the Research Unit Corporate Taxation and Public Finance

  1. Refereed Journal // 2016

    The Effects of Double Tax Treaties for Developing Countries. A Case Study of Austria’s Double Tax Treaty Network

    To what degree developing countries gain from signing double tax treaties is being hotly debated. In this paper, we analyze Austrian tax treaty policy. We find that developing countries are likely to expect both…

  2. ZEW policy brief No. 16-06 // 2016

    Einhaltung der Schuldenbremse und Bewertung von Länderfusionen – Ergebnisse einer Umfrage in allen 16 Landesparlamenten

    Whereas this year has already seen the full effectiveness of the constitutional debt cap on a national level, the debt brake won't be binding for the federal states until 2020. In contrast to the debt cap on…

  3. ZEW policy brief No. 16-05 // 2016

    Searching for a Franco-German Consensus on the Future of Europe – Survey Results for Bundestag, Assemblée Nationale and Sénat

    The Brexit referendum and the decision of British voters to leave the EU have sparked a comprehensive debate on the future of European integration. A key issue in this debate is the appropriate division of…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 16-065 // 2016

    Responses of Firms to Tax, Administrative and Accounting Rules: Evidence from Armenia

    Using panel data on the full population of corporate tax returns of Armenian firms, we study the behavioral response of firms to three size-dependent regulations. We find: i) a strong response to an accounting…

  5. Contributions to Edited Volumes and Conference Proceedings // 2016

    Strategies for a European EU Budget