Publications of the Research Unit Corporate Taxation and Public Finance

  1. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 07-071 // 2007

    The Effects of Multinationals' Profit Shifting Activities on Real Investments

    This paper investigates whether the size of multinationals' real investments in a high-tax country is affected by profit shifting activities. A simple theoretical analysis shows that tax rates abroad impact the…

  2. ZEW-Wachstums- und Konjunkturanalysen // 2007

    Nr. 4 (Dezember) - 2007

    • Konjunkturaussichten Deutschland: Die Risiken haben zugenommen
    • Die voraussichtliche Lage in der EWU
    • Ergebnisse der Novemberumfrage 2007
    • Stimmung und Erwartungen der Dienstleister trüben sich ein
    • Institutionelle…
  3. Contributions to Edited Volumes and Conference Proceedings // 2007

    Budgetary spillovers and short-term interest rates.

  4. Refereed Journal // 2007

    Accession to the Euro-Area: A Stylized Analysis Using a New Keynesian Model

    This paper analyses the accession to the Euro-Area by new members using a stylized new-Keynesian model. We analyze macro-economic adjustment in the pre- and post accession case and calculate welfare in both…

  5. Refereed Journal // 2007

    Monetary policy in the New-Keynesian model: An application to the Euro Area

    This paper analyzes monetary policy in a stylized New-Keynesian model. A number of issues are focused upon: (i) optimal monetary policy under commitment or discretion versus ad-hoc monetary policy based on…

  6. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 07-057 // 2007

    The Globalization of Tax Policy: What German Politicians Believe

    The process of globalization has an important impact on national tax policies. Most of the literature on taxation of capital in open economies does not focus directly on the political decision making process and…