Publications of the Research Unit Digital Economy

  1. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 16-081 // 2016

    Public ICT Investment in Reaction to the Economic Crisis – A Case Study on Measuring IT-related Intangibles in the Public Sector

    In this paper, we (1) analyse the German public IT-spending programme 2009-11 adopted after the crisis in terms of its tangible vs. intangible asset creation, (2) consider this relatively well-described…

  2. ZEW Documentation No. 16-02 // 2016

    Vergleich der Ausgaben für Digitalisierungsprojekte im Mittelstand mit den gesamtwirtschaftlichen IKT-Investitionen

    Vor dem Hintergrund der Debatte über die Höhe gesamtwirtschaftlicher Investitionen vergleicht der vorliegende Bericht den Befund der Studie "Digitalisierung im Mittelstand: Status Quo, aktuelle Entwicklungen und…

  3. ZEWnews // 2016

    11/12 - 2016

    • Equal Opportunities: Political Participation Is Limited for US Citizens
    • Minimum Wage in Germany – Burden on Young Companies Greater than Expected
    • State Aid for Expanding Broadband Access Slows Rural Depopulation
    • P…
  4. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 16-069 // 2016

    Suchmaschinen unter der Lupe: Informationsherrschaft und ihre Schranken

    Search engines allow users quick access to information, which they are trying to find or discover through the search engine. Thus, search engines have become important information intermediaries. Due to their…