Publications of the Research Unit Economics of Innovation and Industrial Dynamics

  1. Refereed Journal // 2006

    Additionality of Public R&D Grants in a Transition Economy: The Case of Eastern Germany

    This paper examines the input and output additionality of public R&D subsidies in Western and Eastern Germany. We estimate the impact of public R&D grants on firms' R&D and innovation input. Based on the results…

  2. ZEW-Gründungsreport // 2006

    Jahrgang 6, Nr. 1, Mai 2006

    • Spitzentechnik stagniert weiter
    • Biotechnologie im Ruhrgebiet
  3. ZEW-Innovationserhebung // 2006


    The ZEW Innovation Survey

  4. ZEWnews English edition // 2006

    No. 1 - 2006

    • International Tax Competition Reduces Company Tax Burden
    • One Year of the German Freeway Toll for Trucks – an Evaluation
    • Exploiting SME Innovation Potentials
    • Putting a Price on Takeover Rumours
    • From Oil Price…
  5. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 05-75 // 2005

    Does Public Scientific Research Complement Industry R&D Investment? The Case of NIH Supported Basic and Clinical Research and Pharmaceutical Industry R&D

    This research investigates the hypothesis that publicly funded scientific research complements private R&D investment in the pharmaceutical industry. New microlevel data on public research investment by the…