Publications of the Research Unit Economics of Innovation and Industrial Dynamics

  1. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 07-078 // 2007

    Inventors' Response to Firm Acquisitions

    Mergers and acquisitions (M&As) constitute a disruption to the working environment of the inventive labor force of the acquired company. If inventors would respond with a decline of their patent productivity or…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 07-075 // 2007

    Mitarbeiteranreizsysteme und Innovationserfolg

    Wir diskutieren die Faktoren für eine erfolgreiche Umsetzung eines Systems des betrieblichen Vorschlagswesens und anderer Maßnahmen zur Stimulierung des Innovationserfolgs. Im Anschluss wird die Wirkung des…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 07-073 // 2007

    Spillovers of Innovation Activities and Their Profitability

    Knowledge spillovers to competitors are regarded as an important aspect of the innovation process. While a company possibly benefits from incoming information on successful R&D conducted by other companies, a…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 07-072 // 2007

    Life Scientist Mobility from Academe to Industry: Does Academic Entrepreneurship Induce a Costly

    When academic researchers participate in commercialization using for-profit firms there is a potentially costly trade-off – their time and effort are diverted away from academic knowledge creation. This is a…

  5. ZEW Documentation No. 07-02 // 2007

    The Role of Demand in Innovation - A Lead Market Analysis for High-tech Industries in the EU-25

    A Lead Market approach is used for each of 25 European Union member states (EU-25) to assess the likelihood that locally preferred innovation designs become successful in other countries. The analyses are…

  6. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 07-069 // 2007

    Exports and Productivity - Comparable Evidence for 14 Countries

    We use comparable micro level panel data for 14 countries and a set of identically specified empirical models to investigate the relationship between exports and productivity. Our overall results are in line…