Publications of the Research Unit Economics of Innovation and Industrial Dynamics

  1. Refereed Journal // 2004

    Productivity Effects of Organizational Change: Microeconometric Evidence

    This paper analyzes the relationship between investment in information and communication technologies (ICT), non--ICT--investment, labor productivity and workplace reorganization. Firms are assumed to…

  2. ZEW Economic Studies Vol. 22 // 2004

    The Internationalisation of Young High-Tech Firms

    The huge economic and social impact of high-tech industries on the fortunes of nation states has been widely recognised in recent years. Therefore, government policies encouraging the creation of new…

  3. Refereed Journal // 2004

    Firm Leadership and Innovative Performance: Evidence from Seven EU Countries

    This paper considers the effect of different firm leadership on the innovative performance of firms from seven EU countries. We investigate whether owner-led or manager-led firms achieve a larger share of their…