Publications of the Research Unit Economics of Innovation and Industrial Dynamics

  1. ZEWnews English edition // 2009

    No. 2 - 2009

  2. ZEW-Gründungsreport // 2009

    Jahrgang 9, Nr. 1, Mai 2009

    • Der direkte Beschäftigungsbeitrag von High-Tech-Unternehmensgründungen
    • Gründungen aus Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen
  3. Discussion and Working Paper // 2009

    Knowledge sourcing: legitimacy deficits for MNC subsidiaries?

    Multinational corporations (MNC) search increasingly for lead market knowledge and technological expertise around the globe. We investigate whether their subsidiaries gain access to these valuable sources of…

  4. Contributions to Edited Volumes and Conference Proceedings // 2009

    Searching for Innovation in Market and Transition Economies: Evidence Across Europe

    Searching for externally available knowledge has been characterised as a vital part of the innovation process. The availability of such innovation impulses, however, critically depends on the environment a firm…

  5. Contributions to Edited Volumes and Conference Proceedings // 2009

    Formal and Strategic Knowledge Protection Strategies of Multinationals - A Cross Country Comparison

    International knowledge spillovers, especially through multinational companies (MNCs), have recently been a major topic of discussion among academics and practitioners. Most research in this field focuses on…

  6. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 09-017 // 2009

    Young, Open and International: The Impact of Search Strategies on the Internationalization of New Ventures

    Young firms with the ability to internationalize early and decisively have received much attention in recent academic discussion. However, relatively little is known about the underlying processes that enable…

  7. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 09-016 // 2009

    Specialized Search and Innovation Performance – Evidence Across Europe

    Searching for external knowledge has frequently been characterized as crucial for firm success. However, little is known about how the direction of search strategies influences innovation performance. In this…