Publications of the Research Unit Economics of Innovation and Industrial Dynamics

  1. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 08-008 // 2008

    Are Local Milieus the Key to Innovation Performance?

    This study investigates how local milieus foster innovation success of firms. We complement the common practice of linking firm performance indicators to regional characteristics with survey evidence on the…

  2. Refereed Journal // 2008

    Internationalizing R&D Co-opetition: Dress for the Dance with the Devil

    Competitors can be valuable sources and partners for innovation activities. Against the background of international expansion of firms and increased international competition, the R&D collaborations with…

  3. Refereed Journal // 2008

    Regional Economic Stress as Moderator of Liability of Foreignness

    In this paper we develop optimized localization strategies for multinational firms to overcome their liability of foreignness by adding a regional dimension within a country. We explore conceptually whether…

  4. ZEW-Innovationserhebung // 2008


    The ZEW Innovation Survey

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 08-005 // 2008

    Financial Constraints: Routine Versus Cutting Edge R&D Investment

    We analyze financial constraints for R&D, where we account for heterogeneity among investments which has been neglected in previous literature. According to economic theory, investments should be distinguished…

  6. ZEW Economic Studies Vol. 38 // 2008

    Innovation and Firm Performance: An Empirical Investigation for German Firms

    The process of firms' growth - in terms of productivity or employment - is a major concern of policy makers. In this context, innovations are considered to play a crucial role in stimulating firms' performance.…

  7. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 08-002 // 2008

    Gains and Pains from Contract Research: A Transaction and Firm-level Perspective

    Determining the research and development (R&D) boundaries of the firm as the choice between internal, collaborative and external technology acquisition has since long been a major challenge for firms to secure…