Publications of the Research Unit Economics of Innovation and Industrial Dynamics

  1. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 19-017 // 2019

    Measuring China’s Patent Quality: Development and Validation of ISR Indices

    Because China has become one of the largest applicants of PCT patents, it is of interest to compare the quality of Chinese and non-Chinese applications. We extend a quality index based on internationally…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 19-016 // 2019

    Employment and Performance Effects of Circular Economy Innovations

    Circular economy (CE) describes an economic concept that aims at saving resources by minimizing the use of material and energy over the entire life-cycle or products, including repair, reuse and recycling. CE…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 19-012 // 2019

    The Distinct Features of Hidden Champions in Germany: A Dynamic Capabilities View

    Hidden Champions (HCs) are firms unknown to the wider public, but global leaders in the niche markets they serve. This paper looks at distinctive features of these firms, focusing on their dynamic capabilities.…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 19-011 // 2019

    Anatomy of the Medical Innovation Process – What Are the Consequences of Replicability Issues on Innovation?

    The study looks at the impact of replicability issues in preclinical testing on the medical innovation process. The case study focuses on the development of liposomal chemotherapy, which exemplifies the…

  5. ZEW policy brief No. 19-02 // 2019

    Slow Recoveries Through Fiscal Austerity – New Insights in the Effects of Fiscal Austerity

    Several European countries such as Spain, Portugal, and Greece implemented austerity programs to cope with the government-debt crisis in the aftermath of the Great Recession: They increased taxes on consumption,…

  6. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 19-008 // 2019

    Cluster Externalities, Firm Capabilities, and the Recessionary Shock: How the Macro-to-Micro-Transition Shapes Firm Performance During Stable Times and Times of Crisis

    In this paper, we examine the macro-to-micro-transition of cluster externalities to firms and how it is affected by the macroeconomic instability caused by the recessionary shock of 2008/2009. Using data from…