Publications of the Research Unit Economics of Innovation and Industrial Dynamics

  1. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 01-39 // 2001

    Innovation Dynamics and Endogenous Market Structure

    This paper examines empirically the relationship between innovation and market structure within a simultaneous framework at the industry level of ag-gregation. We use a model in which R&D affects both, demand…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 01-35 // 2001

    Firm Leadership and Innovative Performance: Evidence from Seven EU Countries

    This paper considers the effect of different firm leaderships on the innovative performance of firms from seven EU countries. We investigate whether owner-led or manager-led firms achieve a larger share of their…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 01-32 // 2001

    Productivity Effects of Organizational Change: Microeconometric Evidence

    This paper analyzes the relationship between investment in information and communication technology (ICT),non –ICT –investment,labor productivity and workplace reorganization. Firms are assumed to reorganize…

  4. ZEW Economic Studies Vol. 14 // 2001

    Lead Markets

    This book suggests a new approach for explaining the international diffusion of innovations. Based on this new theory an applicable concept of new innovation market entry is presented. The Lead Market Concept…

  5. Contributions to Edited Volumes and Conference Proceedings // 2001

    Does R&D-Infrastructure Attract High-Tech Start-Ups?

    Our research, based on the ZEW-Foundation Panel East, examines whether high-tech start-ups are mainly founded in scientific and infrastructural well suited regions or not. Estimation results on the level of…