Publications of the Research Unit Economics of Innovation and Industrial Dynamics

  1. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 15-038 // 2015

    Wages in High-Tech Start-Ups – Do Academic Spin-Offs Pay a Wage Premium?

    Academic spin-offs are an important means for transferring skills, research results and technologies developed at universities to the for-profit private sector. Due to their origin from universities, spinoffs…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 15-032 // 2015

    R&D Policies for Young SMEs: Input and Output Effects

    This paper evaluates the current focus of EU policy makers on small and medium-sized, young independent firms in high-tech sectors. Therefore, the effect of subsidies on both R&D input and R&D output is compared…

  3. ZEW Documentation No. 15-03 // 2015

    Hidden Champions – Driven by Innovation: Empirische Befunde auf Basis des Mannheimer Innovationspanels

    Innovativen Unternehmen, insbesondere kleinen und mittelgroßen Betrieben (KMU) wird eine Schlüsselposition für den technischen Fortschritt und die internationale Wettbewerbsfähigkeit von Industrienationen…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 15-030 // 2015

    Innovation Budgeting Over the Business Cycle and Innovation Performance

    The global economic crisis of 2008/2009 hit many firms hard. Faced with rapidly declining sales and highly uncertain economic prospects, firms had to cut costs and reconsider their business strategies. With…