Publications of the Research Unit Economics of Innovation and Industrial Dynamics

  1. ZEW-Gründungsreport // 2010

    Jahrgang 10, Nr. 2, Nov. 2010

    • Gründungen: Abwärtstrend gestoppt
    • Die Unternehmergesellschaft: kostengünstige Variante der GmbH
  2. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 10-078 // 2010

    Do Direct R&D Subsidies Lead to the Monopolization of R&D in the Economy?

    The market for R&D is subject to market failure which leads to an underprovision of R&D from a social point of view. This gives rise for governmental intervention in the market for R&D. For decades, the…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 10-073 // 2010

    Evaluation of Public R&D Policies: A Cross-country Comparison

    Technological change is an important determinant of long-run productivity which is essential for securing competitiveness both at the firm-level and for the economy as a whole. Public authorities expect that…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 10-071 // 2010

    Competing internationally: On the Importance of R&D for Export Activity

    Export is an important factor for growth and welfare for small, open economies. Since R&D and innovation are also key factors of growth for an industrialized economy, it is interesting to analyze the…

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 10-066 // 2010

    Absorptive Capacity and Post-Acquisition Inventor Productivity

    Technologically motivated firm acquisitions often fail in the sense that post-merger innovation performance declines. One reason has been identified as a temporary shift of managerial attention towards the firm…