Publications of the Research Unit Economics of Innovation and Industrial Dynamics

  1. Refereed Journal // 2017

    The adoption of green energy technologies: The role of policies in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland

    We contribute to the existing research about policy-induced technology adoption in several ways. First, we suggest a new survey design to measure the energy-related policy environment. Second, we simultaneously…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 17-033 // 2017

    Strategic Microscheduling of Movies

    We investigate how competition in product niches affects the timing of product release for experience goods using data on motion pictures in the United States. Additionally, we attempt to estimate the ultimate…

  3. ZEW Documentation No. 17-04 // 2017

    Innovation Activities of Firms in Germany – Results of the German CIS 2012 and 2014

    Innovation is regarded as a key driver of productivity and market growth and thus has a great potential for increasing wealth. Surveying innovation activities of firms is an important contribution to a better…

  4. Refereed Journal // 2017

    Does energy policy hurt international competitiveness of firms? A comparative study for Germany, Switzerland and Austria

    This paper investigates the impact of energy policies on the export performance of firms. There has been a long policy debate on potentially negative impacts of cost-increasing energy policies on international…