Publications of the Research Unit Environmental and Climate Economics

  1. ZEW/Prognos-Transportmarktbarometer // 2014

    1. Quartal 2014

    Steigende Transportmengen bei uneinheitlicher Preisentwicklung

    In den nächsten sechs Monaten wird in Deutschland die zu transportierende Gütermenge in nahezu allen Transportzweigen wachsen, zumindest aber nicht…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 14-038 // 2014

    What Drives Changes in Carbon Emissions? An Index Decomposition Approach for 40 Countries

    This study analyzes carbon emission trends and drivers in 40 major economies using the WIOD database, a harmonized and consistent dataset of input-output table time series accompanied by environmental satellite…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 14-037 // 2014

    Energy Poverty Indicators: Conceptual Issues - Part I: The Ten-Percent-Rule and Double Median/Mean Indicators

    Energy poverty, long considered a problem limited to developing countries only, is now widely acknowledged as a challenge for advanced OECD countries as well. How energy poverty is perceived depends on the…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 14-036 // 2014

    Invention in Energy Technologies: Comparing Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Inventions at the Firm Level

    Many countries, especially in Europe, have ambitious goals to transform their national energy systems towards renewable energies. Technological change in both renewable production and efficient use of energy can…

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 14-035 // 2014

    The Impact of a Feed-In Tariff on Wind Power Development in Germany

    We estimate the impact of a feed-in tariff for renewable power on wind power investment in Germany at the county level from 1996-2010 controlling for windiness and access to the electricity transmission grid.…

  6. ZEWnews English edition // 2014

    05/06 - 2014

  7. Expertises // 2014

    2014 Elections to the European Parliament: Economic Challenges for Europe

    In this paper we discuss what needs to be done in a number of key policy areas. Certainly, the EU should focus on fields where benefits for all of Europe can be produced, and should withdraw from policy areas…