Publications of the Research Unit Environmental and Climate Economics

  1. ZEW policy brief No. 14-01 // 2014

    Climate-Related Innovations, Crowding Out, and Their Impact on Competitiveness

    Within the last few decades, rising environmental concerns have forced policy-makers to act in an effort to mitigate further harm. Yet though greenhouse gas emissions and the wasteful use of natural resources…

  2. ZEWnews English edition // 2014

    07/08 - 2014

    • Some Government Redistribution Measures Shown to Reduce Income Inequality
    • Deployment of Fibre Optic Networks: Making Public Subsidies more Efficient
    • Households Insured Against Flooding Take more Precautionary…
  3. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 14-056 // 2014

    Voting for Burden Sharing Rules in Public Goods Games

    In this experiment, we endogenize the choice of which contribution scheme is implemented in a public goods game. We investigate three rule-based contribution schemes. In a first step, players agree on a common…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 14-055 // 2014

    On the Performance of Rule-Based Contribution Schemes Under Endowment Heterogeneity

    We experimentally test different rule-based contribution mechanisms in a repeated 4-player public goods game with endowment heterogeneity and compare them to a VCM, distinguishing between a random- and an…

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 14-060 // 2014

    Consistent or Balanced? On the Dynamics of Voluntary Contributions

    We investigate the dynamic effects of a charitable lottery and an income tax on donations. The analysis is based on a two-round dictator game with the subject’s charity of choice as recipient and additional…

  6. Non-Refereed Journal // 2014

    Hochwasservorsorge zwischen Staatshilfen und privater Versicherung

    The recent flood events in Germany have demonstrated that the nation’s current system of private fl ood insurance is suboptimal. The article provides novel nationwide survey data on stated flood insurance…

  7. Discussion and Working Paper // 2014

    Economics of Transiting to Renewable Energy in Morocco

    Morocco has set an ambitious target of supplying 42 percent of electricity through renewable sources, 14 percent each through hydro, wind, and solar, by 2020. To analyze the economic and environmental…