Publications of the Research Unit Environmental and Climate Economics

  1. ZEW/Prognos-Transportmarktbarometer // 2010

    4. Quartal 2010

    ZEW/ProgTrans-Umfrage unter Transportmarktexperten - Abschwächung des Erholungs- und Wachstumstempos im Güterverkehr

    Die Transportmengen werden in Deutschland bis Mitte des Jahres 2011 weiter wachsen. Allerdings…

  2. ZEW/Prognos-Transportmarktbarometer // 2010

    3. Quartal 2010

    ZEW/ProgTrans-Umfrage unter Transportmarktexperten - Weitgehend moderat steigende Transportpreise im nächsten halben Jahr erwartet

    In den meisten Segmenten der Transportmärkte ist die Nachfrage im kommenden…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 10-094 // 2010

    Do Environmental Benefits Matter? A Choice Experiment Among House Owners in Germany

    The residential building sector is a major emitter of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2) due to the high energy demand for electricity and heating, particularly in industrialised countries. In Germany, for…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 10-086 // 2010

    Cost Pass-Through of the EU Emissions Allowances: Examining the European Petroleum Markets

    Using advanced time-series techniques, this paper explores the ability of European refineries to pass-through costs associated with the introduction of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS). The paper thereby…

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 10-085 // 2010

    On the Construction of Social Preferences in Lab Experiments

    One of the most important questions in experimental economics is whether individual behavior in certain games is predictive for behavior in other games or contexts. Critics often claim that individual behavior…