Publications of the Research Unit Environmental and Climate Economics

  1. Discussion and Working Paper // 2022

    E-Commerce, Delivery Drones and Their Impact on Cities

    E-commerce has gained importance over the last years and the COVID-19 pandemic has further strengthened this development. With the increasing opportunities that novel transport technologies, amongst them cargo…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 22-051 // 2022

    Executive Compensation Tied to ESG Performance: International Evidence

    This paper examines the reliance on ESG metrics in executive compensation contracts. In our sample of international publicly traded firms, a rapidly growing fraction incorporate ESG metrics in the compensation…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 22-052 // 2022

    Corporate Carbon Emission Statements

    Current corporate disclosures regarding carbon emissions lack commonly accepted accounting rules. The accrual accounting system for carbon emissions described here is grounded in the rules of historical cost…

  4. ZEW Documentation No. 22-01 // 2022

    ME-FINE: Mannheim European panel on Financial Indicators and Emissions

    The Mannheim European panel on Financial Indicators and Emissions (ME-FINE) is a new European company-level dataset, combining financial information from Bureau van Dijk’s Orbis database with data on pollutant…

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 22-042 // 2022

    Lessons From the EU Effort Sharing Decision for Supranational Climate Cooperation: A Firm-Level Analysis

    As an example of supranational climate policy coordination for sectors not covered by carbon trading, the European Effort Sharing Decision set national targets for emission reductions for the time period…

  6. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 22-040 // 2022

    Motivate the Crowd or Crowd-Them Out? The Impact of Local Government Spending on the Voluntary Provision of a Green Public Good

    Cities are increasingly hold accountable for climate action. By demonstrating their pro-environmentality through own climate-related activities, they not at least aspire to encourage individual climate…

  7. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 22-038 // 2022

    Do Manufacturing Plants Respond to Exogenous Changes in Electricity Prices? Evidence From Administrative Micro-Data

    Climate change is the result of global market failure and remedying the situation requires effective policy action. Climate policies often increase energy prices thereby affecting all actors in the economy.…