Publications of the Research Unit Environmental and Climate Economics

  1. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 11-031 // 2011

    Intertemporal Evaluation Criteria for Climate Change Policy: The Basic Ethical Issues

    The evaluation of long-term effects of climate change in cost-benefit analysis has a long tradition in environmental economics. Since the publication of the Stern Review in 2006 the debate about the…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 11-027 // 2011

    Determinants of Eco-innovations by Type of Environmental Impact. The Role of Regulatory Push/Pull, Technology Push and Market Pull

    In recent years, several studies have identified determinants of environmental innovations. In most econometric studies, environmental innovations in general were analyzed, some distinguish between…

  3. Refereed Journal // 2011

    Long-Term Impacts of Environmental Policy and Eco-Innovative Activities of Firms

    This paper analyses two aspects of environmental regulations triggered by ecoinnovations. First, whether there are long term effects of regulation on innovation. Second, whether the impact of different types of…