Publications of the Research Unit Environmental and Climate Economics

  1. Non-Refereed Journal // 2010

    Steigerung der Energieeffizienz in Deutschland: Das neue Energieeffizienzgesetz

    Comment on the German Federal Energy Efficiency Law of 2010/7/8

  2. Expertises // 2010

    The Fiscal Implications of Climate Change Adaptation

    Climate change will have an effect on the European Union. The repercussions will be regionally varied, with impacts on several sectors in the economy. Climate change has the particularity of being global with…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 10-074 // 2010

    Long-Term Impacts of Environmental Policy and Eco-Innovative Activities of Firms

    This paper investigates two central questions. Are there long-term effects of regulation on innovation? Does the impact of different types of regulation differ by type of the environmental benefit of the…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 10-068 // 2010

    The Demand for Climate Protection – An Empirical Assessment for Germany

    During the last two decades, the issue of international cooperation in climate protection has received increasing attention in economic research. The main focus has been on the underlying economic incentives for…

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 10-072 // 2010

    Voting in International Environmental Agreements - Experimental Evidence from the Lab

    The management of global environmental resources, such as the global climate, requires cooperation between countries. In practice, countries willing to abate the emission of a pollutant that damages a shared…

  6. Expertises // 2010

    Entwicklung globaler Emission Reduction Credit Systems bei Fehlen eines internationalen Folgeabkommens für das Kioto-Protokoll

    This paper analyses the state of climate policy in different countries and regions of the world. Possible supply and demand for emission reduction credits until 2020 is derived quantitatively in the PACE-model…

  7. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 10-067 // 2010

    Industrial Ecology in Policy Making: What is Achievable and what is not?

    Industrial Ecology is a relatively new, interdisciplinary field of research, analysing the interaction between industrial activity and nature. Within this field, a multitude of instruments has been developed.…