Projects of the Research Group Inequality and Public Policy

Abgeschlossene Projekte

  1. Project // 01.10.2013 – 30.09.2014

    SEEK 2013: Fiscal Policy in Europe After the Financial and Economic Crisis: Incentive, Stabilization and Distributional Effects

    The financial and economic crisis had a severe impact on public finances in Europe. The immediate short-term fiscal policy responses served to cushion some of the adverse effects of the crisis. But the initial…

  2. Project // 01.10.2013 – 30.09.2015

    Perspectives for a European Fiscal Union

    Many observers argue that the European monetary union will not survive unless it is complemented by a ‘fiscal union’. In this context, the introduction of a fiscal capacity at the euro area level as proposed by…

  3. Project // 01.10.2013 – 31.03.2014

    Cost of Non-Europe of the Absence of an Unemployment Insurance Scheme for the Euro Area

    From the perspective of optimal currency areas, a monetary union such as the euro area which is characterized by low labor mobility needs fiscal institutions which may have stabilizing effects in the case of…

  4. Project // 17.08.2013 – 31.03.2014

    Economic Expertise on the German Vertical Equalization Scheme

    The two German federal states of Bavaria and Hesse recently filed a lawsuit in the German supreme court against the current German vertical equalization scheme, which regulates the financial relationship of the…

  5. Project // 01.04.2013 – 30.09.2014

    SEEK-Project 2013: The Effects of Family Policy on Education, Labour Supply, and Fertility Decisions

    Female labour force participation and fertility rates have been very low in Germany, particularly among women with a university degree. Long career breaks and their high opportunity costs may explain both facts.…