Projects of the Research Unit Labour Markets and Social Insurance

Abgeschlossene Projekte

  1. Project // 01.08.2005 – 31.03.2007

    Tax Credits in Switzerland: Hazards and Chances of its implementation

    One crucial feature of most industrial countries tax-and-transfer system is the disincentive to work for the low qualified. The Swiss legislation commissioned an international expert group to assess the…

  2. Project // 01.08.2005 – 31.07.2006

    Education, wage inequality and wage formation

    This project investigated the evolution of the wage distribution and wage inequality (since 1994), both for East and West Germany, based on samples from the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP) from 1984 to 2004,…

  3. Project // 01.08.2005 – 31.07.2008

    Industrial labour demand and qualification efforts in frictional and heterogeneous labour markets

    In this project the knowledge of employer and worker heterogeneity shall be deepened and especially the effects of heterogeneity on wages, productivity, employment changes and labour demand are to be examined. The…

  4. Project // 01.07. – 31.12.2005

    Demographical Challenges on the Personnel Policy of an Enterprise in the Healthcare Industry

    Our client is interested in an assessment of the demographical problems in its specific labour market and an analysis of the different problem solving possibilities. Especially the age structure of the employees,…

  5. Project // 01.06. – 30.11.2005

    Effectiveness of Measures against Moonlighting (Exploratory Study)

    This project explores the feasibility of an evaluation study regarding the operations of the German "Finanzkontrolle Schwarzarbeit", a task force of the Federal Customs Administration. In particular, the project…

  6. Project // 01.04.2005 – 31.05.2007

    The development of the equality of educational opportunity between primary and secondary education in Germany and its determinants

    The student performance studies PIRLS and PISA suggest that the equality of educational opportunity decreases strongly between primary and secondary schooling in Germany. This project analysed the determinants…

  7. Project // 01.04.2005 – 31.03.2011

    Employment Durations and Heterogeneous Labour Markets: Empirical Studies on Labour Market Segmentation at the Establishment Level

    In this project, we analyse the differences in employment durations of workers within the same enterprise. Apart from well-established theoretical approaches, such as human capital theory or search and matching…

  8. Project // 01.01.2005 – 31.08.2007

    Network Growth and Business Cycle Analyses

    Although at the ZEW microeconomic and microeconometric research approaches are dominant, each research department at the ZEW always takes the macroeconomic environment into account as well. “Analysis of Growth and…

  9. Project // 01.10.2004 – 31.08.2005

    ICT use, reorganisation and innovation capabilities of firms

    The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) has brought about substantial changes within enterprises and work environment. For example, results from a ZEW survey on the diffusion of ICT reveal…