Publications of the Research Unit Labour Markets and Social Insurance

  1. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 15-085 // 2015

    Student Employment: Advantage or Handicap for Academic Achievement?

    We estimate the effects of student employment on academic performance. Performance is measured by grades achieved one and a half years after entering university. We use the amount of financial aid students…

  2. ZEWnews English edition // 2015

    11/12 - 2015

    • Top Ten Digital Economies – United States in the Lead, Germany in Mid-Range
    • The University Degree Attainment Indicator is Not Suitable for International Comparison
    • Taxation in the Far East – Why the Asia-Pacific…
  3. Discussion and Working Paper // 2015

    Measuring the Use of Human Resources Practices and Employee Attitudes: The Linked Personnel Panel

    This paper introduces a new data source available for HRM researchers and personnel economists, the Linked Personnel Panel (LPP). The LPP is a longitudinal and representative employer-employee data set…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 15-080 // 2015

    The Power of Individual-Level Drivers of Inventive Performance

    Based on an established theoretical framework of the drivers of inventive performance, the so-called KSAO (Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, and Other) factors, this paper seeks to explain empirically the…

  5. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 15-077 // 2015

    How Are Work-Related Characteristics Linked to Sickness Absence and Presenteeism? – Theory and Data

    This paper investigates how changes in work-related factors affect workers' absence and presenteeism behavior. Previous studies (implicitly) assume that there is a substitutive relationship, i.e. a change in a…