Publications of the Research Unit Labour Markets and Social Insurance

  1. Refereed Journal // 2001

    Loosening Hours Constraints on the Supply of Labor. What if Germans Had a Dutch Labor Market?

    Total employment in Germany is supposed to increase if people are able to realize their desired working hours. However, this back-of-the-envelope calculation overestimates the effect of loosening hours…

  2. Contributions to Edited Volumes and Conference Proceedings // 2001

    Modellversuch: Einstiegsgeld in Baden-Württemberg

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 01-71 // 2001

    Do Temporary Workers Receive Risk-Premiums?

    The wage effects of fixed-term contracts (FTCs) are analysed with the GSOEP for West Germany. Different estimators which take into account selection bias are used. It is shown that propensity…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 01-66 // 2001

    The Impact of Office Machinery and Computer Capital on the Demand for Heterogeneous Labor

    This paper analyzes the impact of office machinery and computer capital (OCM) on the demand for heterogeneous labor. A system of static and dynamic input demand equations based on the quadratic and the Leontief…