Publications of the Research Unit Labour Markets and Social Insurance

  1. ZEW Economic Studies Vol. 21 // 2003

    Employment Impacts of Cleaner Production

    An empirical analysis of the factors that determine the employment impact of environmental innovations. The multivariate estimations are based on a methodology taking direct and indirect employment effects on…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 03-28 // 2003

    Revisiting the Impact of Union Structures on Wages Integrating Different Dimensions of Centralisation

    In a framework of a unionised oligopoly, this paper reconsiders the impact of the bargaining structure on union wages. In particular, two dimensions along which centralisation may occur, namely the professional…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 03-27 // 2003

    Three Approaches to the Evaluation of Active Labour Market Policy in East Germany Using Regional Data

    Using different regional data sources for East Germany the three largest active labour market policy (ALMP) programmes – job creation schemes (JCS), structural adjustment schemes (SAS) and public training (PT) –…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 03-18 // 2003

    A Test of the ‘Krugman Hypothesis’ for the United States, Britain, and Western Germany

    Rising wage inequality in the U.S. and Britain (especially in the 1980s) and rising continental European unemployment (with rather stable wage inequality) have led to a popular view in the economics profession…

  5. Contributions to Edited Volumes and Conference Proceedings // 2003

    Credentialism by Members of Licensed Professions