Publications of the Research Unit Labour Markets and Social Insurance

  1. Refereed Journal // 2014

    School Entrance Recommendation: A Question of Age or Development?

    Fixed cutoff dates regulating school entry create disadvantages for children who are young relative to their classmates. Early and late school enrollment, though, might mitigate these disadvantages. In this…

  2. Discussion and Working Paper // 2013

    Import Competition, Domestic Regulation and Firm-Level Productivity Growth in the OECD

    This paper examines how import penetration affects firms' productivity growth taking into account the heterogeneity in firms' distance to the efficiency frontier and country differences in product market…

  3. ZEW policy brief No. 13-04 // 2013

    Incentives and Creativity

    In knowledge-intensive economies, ideas and innovation are key drivers of a company’s competitiveness and success. In such a climate a company must strategise methods designed to incentivize the generation of…