Publications of the Research Unit Labour Markets and Social Insurance

  1. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 04-83 // 2004

    Is there a Wage Premium or Wage Discount for Flexible Hours?

    With flexible work time arrangements firms can quickly adjust to demand fluctuations, while employees may benefit from more time sovereignty. Depending on the specific type of arrangement the accompanying wage…

  2. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 04-84 // 2004

    Feldexperimente mit dem Pflegebudget (2004-2008) –Konzeption des Evaluationsdesigns

    In diesem Beitrag wird das Evaluationskonzept zu den geplanten Feldexperimenten mit dem so genannten personengebundenen Budget (Pflegebudget) vorgestellt. Das Pflegebudget ist eine Geldleistung, die vom…

  3. Refereed Journal // 2004

    Family Tax Splitting: A Microsimulation of its Potential Labour Supply and Intra-household Welfare Effects in Germany

    This paper assesses the effects that an introduction of the French family splitting mechanism would have on German families' labour supply and intra-household consumption behaviour. We use simulated real world…